Saturday, September 2, 2017


The cast of the 35th season of the hit reality show Survivor has been revealed by CBS. The new season, dubbed as Survivor Heroes vs Healers vs Hustlers will feature 18 new players.

The players are divided into 3 tribes of 6 cast aways based on their perceived dominant trait - courage for the Heroes, helping others for the Healers and tenacity for the Hustlers tribe.

This season was shot in Fiji, the fourth season shot in these islands - after Survivor Fiji, Survivor Millenials vs Gen X and Survivor Game Changers.

Here are the cast aways in their respective tribes:

Heroes Tribe - Tribe Name : Levu

from left to right in the picture:
Ben Driebergen - 34, Idaho, Marine
Chrissy Hofbeck - 46, New Jersey, Actuary
Alan Ball - 31, Texas, NFL Player
Ashley Nolan - 26, Florida, Lifeguard
John "JP" Hillsabeck - 28, California, Firefighter
Katrina Radke - 46, Minnesota, Olympian (Swimmer)

Healers Tribe - Tribe Name : Soko

from left to right in the picture:
Joe Mena - 24, Connecticut, Corrections Officer
Cole Medders - 24, Arizona, Wilderness Therapy Guide
Mike Zahalsky - 43, Florida, Urologist
Jessica Johnston - 29, Kentucky, Nurse
Desiree Williams - 27, Virginia, Physical Therapist
Roark Luskin - 27, California, Social Worker

Hustlers Tribe - Tribe Name : Yawa

from left to right in the picture:
Devon Pinto - 23, California, Surf Instructor
Lauren Rimmer - 35, North Carolina, Fisherman
Patrick Bolton - 24, Alabama, Business Owner
Ryan Ulrich - 23, New Jersey, Bellhop
Ali Elliott - 24, California, Celebrity Assistant
Simone Nguyen - 25, New York, Diversity Advocate

The new season will premiere on September 27, 2017 (September 28 in the Philippines).

All pics and information are from the CBS website.

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