Thursday, May 21, 2015


Mike Holloway, a 38 year old oil driller from Texas, is the official winner of Survivor : Worlds Apart, the reality show's 30th season. Mike is originally part of the blue collar tribe that went up against a tribe with white collars and another tribe of no collars.

Mike won via a 6-1-1 vote from the jury, winning over white collar Carolyn Rivera and no collar Will Sims.

Mike simply dominated the last parts of the game, winning all of the last five challenges - 2 reward challenges and 3 immunity challenges. When he won the last immunity challenges, I think it was quite obvious that Mike is a sure winner, having played both a very physical and strategic game.

I think what Mike has that sets him apart from the other past winners in the show is that he was an outsider in the tribe. The majority alliance has been targeting him for a long time but he just played his hidden immunity idol and won challenges enough to keep him in the game.

With this win, he was disqualified from the voting for the next season of Survivor, dubbed as the Survivor : Cambodia - Second Chances.

It was a well deserved win - Congrats Mike!

Image is from the official CBS - Survivor Worlds Apart website

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